Dienstag, 9. August 2011

Goodbye Germany; HELLO New York !

Hey guyssss!
This is just a short update because I’m really tired and exhausted and I guess I should get some rest, but I didn’t wanna leave without writing another entry.
BUT. I’ve also got the tiniest bit of fear since I’ve never been on a plane before AND there is soo much I have to keep in mind and think of, my mind is just overloaded.
My farewell party this weekend was RAD, I had so much fun with my friends. In the end there was just me and three of my best friends left and we just danced and screamed and had a blast fooling around and freaking out. Here’s a pic:

Also, I wanna seize this opportunity to thank all of my friends for their lovely presents again! I LOVED all of ‘em!
At my family farewell party one week ago, my uncle and his girlfriend attached some envelopes with little wishes on ‘em and a map of Oklahoma with a set of photographs to the trolley they’re lending me, it looked so cute & I was so happy about it! Of course I also loved all of the other amazing presents J
Anyways, my bags are packed and I’m ready to rumbleee! Haha, well, I’d better say “ready to depart”, haha.
I will miss my family and friends so much, though, and it’s really hard leaving them, but I know it’s worth it since it’s been my dream to go to the US since forever.
In addition, I’m already greatly looking forward to getting to NY, Okla and the US in general, and to meeting everyone of my organization, having a wonderful time with them in NYC, and of course, getting to know my host family! Everyone is being so kind and I’ve got no doubt that I’ll have an amazing time!

Okay, I’m going to call it a night for now. I’ll update this blog as soon as possible, probably somewhen after I got to Oklahoma. (I’m getting there on Saturday evening and my host family & I are going to go out to a Mexican restaurant, YAY! I’ve never been to a Mexican diner before, hence I’m excited!!)

So have a great week everyone! And see you in ten months!
Goodbye good, old Germany and HELLO New York! USA, here I comeeee!

Nighty night,

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi Anja,
    inzwischen bist du schon in N.Y. und hast den Sprung über den Teich geschafft. Dein Blog
    ist echt klasse und es macht Spaß, deinen humorvollen Stil zu lesen.
    Good luck and have a nice time :))
