Helloo, helloooo :)
So at first, thanks for following me or at least for reading my first blog entry! It's really kind that you obviously want to follow the process of my exchange year!
With this blog I intend to keep y'all (my friends, family, internet friends all over the world etc.) updated referred to my exchange year in the USA! I write this blog in english because A. I also want my english friends to have the possibility to follow me, B. when I'll actually be in America I won't want to constantly switch from English to German and C. because I freakin' love the language. So either take it or leave it! ;)
However, I'm going to start talking about my exchange year now. :P
First off - woohoo, I was placed in Oklahoma! Okay, Oklahoma wouldn't have been my first choice, but I still think it's awesome! I urgently wanted to go somewhere to the Southern States, and that's where I got, so yeeha!
I was told where I'll stay about 5 weeks ago, but I got the permission to contact my host family only 6 days ago.
And, of course, I immediately did contact them. I'm going to live in a rural setting which is about 30 minutes far from Oklahoma City, the capital city of Oklahoma, the village is called "Newalla". My school, which is called "Moore High School", is about 30 minutes from our house, too.
Here you can see Newalla (red), Oklahoma City (purple) and my school's town, Moore (yellow).
In the middle you can see the Airport; I guess this is the airport they'll pick me up at.
I know, Oklahoma looks really countryish, and in fact it is, haha. But, omg, my host mom told me that they had 5 acres of land (which is about 20234.282 m² !!)! That is quite a LOT, but since I love rustic areas I think it sounds totally cool, and I'm pumped! Additionally, she told me that my host grandmother lived pretty close to us and that she had many animals like cows, donkeys and a horse, which is so AWESOME !
About my host family there's a lot to say, too. My host mother is 52 years old, my host dad is 53 years old and I've also got a host sister, who is 22 years old. I already contacted my host mom via e-mail, and I write with Kacy (my host sister) on facebook every day. They've got two dogs, including one Lab, and some chickens.
Moreover, some other family members wrote to me, too, and everyone is being soo nice and communicative! I'm totally happy and really glad that I'll soon be part of such a sweet family!
My only fear is that I'll be extremely dependent on cars to get to any place, which Kacy told me also was the biggest struggle for their former exchange students (they had already had 2 exchange students). But well, I love the countryside, so I think I won't run out of activities.
Well, there's so much more to tell about my family, but in fact I think it would be way too much if I posted all iof the nformation on here. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask (for example you can write me on facebook or simply leave a comment under this post).
Today I realized once more how glad I am to finally get the possibility to get OUTTA HERE. I mean, not just because of my village, but because of some people, too. I'm eager to get to know new people and to simply have a new start with 'em. No prejudice, no old afflictions - just new people that don't have a fixed image of you in their minds.
Although the realization of how much I'll miss my family and my friends increases from day to day, too. I still can't imagine not seeing them for about a year.
However, now that all of the tests are over, there's no obstacle anymore - America, GET READY !! 71 days!
Anja deine Seite ist soo toll geworden! :)
AntwortenLöschenDu kannst dir gar nicht vorstellen wie sehr ich mich für dich freu, dass dein Traum schon in 70 Tagen in Erfüllung geht.
Ich wünsch dir das geilste Jahr deines Lebens (auch wenn ich leider nicht dabei bin ): ), aber du musst wissen, dass ich mich jetzt schon auf den Tag freue, an dem ich dich wieder vom Flughafen abhole :D
I will miss you <3
Anja! :)
AntwortenLöschenWoow. Der Hammer!
Wenn ich das so lese, dann kriege ich auch gleich Fernweh.
Träume sind dafür da sie zu leben, und das wirst Du jetzt tun. Ich wünsche Dir hier schon mal gaaanz viel Spaß und natürlich Erfolg, aber ich denke, das werde ich noch etwa 69 mal tun, jeden Tag einmal und am Flughafen noch mindestens 100000 mal :)
Trotzdem muss auch ich sagen, dass ich Dich schrecklich und unglaublich vermissen werde. Allerdings fällt es mir leichter, da ich weiß wie sehr Du dich freust und Du hast es wirklich verdient.
Achherje. Ich war noch nie gut darin mich kurz zu fassen, wie Du weißt :P
Ich werde Dich schrecklich vermissen!
But...I know you'll rock it :D <3