Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011

I say 50 !

Hey y’all!

I haven’t been writing here for quite some days, but now that I’ve got holidays, I’M FREAKIN’ READY!
50 days left and I’m happier than ever!

So what’s new to tell? I’ve already got to know some people who are flying with me on August 10th. We’re all going to be in New York for 3 days so we’ll be able to prepare, get to know and sightsee a bit, and then on August 13th I’m going to fly to Oklahoma.
I’m so excited to go to New York! Since I’ve never really travelled before, I’m already excited about flying, but I mean, c’mon, it’s NEW YORK! I hope I will be able to save some money during the holidays so I can spend it in NY later on.

I think school begins on August 18th.  I don’t know in which grade I’m going to be enrolled yet, though. On the sheet from my organization I named that I wanna be enrolled in class 12 (because some of my teachers recommended me to choose a higher level and said that it was easier to take a lower course later on than the other way around); I’m not sure in which grade I will be placed eventually but I will tell you as soon as I get the information.

Speaking of my organization, I don’t think I’ve written anything about it here yet. So, I’m going to fly with Kaplan, whose central office is in Frankfurt. Having gotten a scholarship, I was assigned to them, and I am really satisfied and content with them so far! We already had a preparation meeting with about 30 other exchange students some weeks ago, and it was fairly interesting! It’s helped me pretty much that some retournees were there, too! They were willing to share everything of their experience just as much as Kaplan was ready to answer every of the questions asked by us! Everyone was really kind, and I’m still in contact with some retournees and other students I met that day. Great people, that’s all I have to say!

I’m still in touch with my host family, we’re e-mailing/writing on facebook almost every day. I don’t write just with my host mom, dad and sis, but also with many other people like my host grandma, cousin, and with some friends of the family. Everyone is being SO amazingly kind and I have absolutely no doubt that I will love all of them when I actually get there. 
On top of that, I’ve just got access to view a sheet that was filled out by my host family. It it so great to get to know even more about their expectations and my new home! Reading this made me really happy; I’ve especially loved the photos of them, our house and my room that were attached. I have to ask my host mom whether it’s okay to post them here, if yes, I will totally do so.

Oh, by the way, concerning the map I posted earlier, my host mom told me that it’s not quite right, because we do have a shipping address of Newalla, but we don’t actually live there, just near there. But I think for an approximate overview it’s okay.

David, my host dad, told me that we have to go white water rafting when we get to visit my host brother in Colorado. I’m pumped already; such a great offer! This sounds like so much fun, and I can’t wait to see some states besides Oklahoma. Kacy even told me it was no problem for her to take me with her to Texas (where her boyfriend lives); that’s like the best thing ever! I’ve always wanted to go to Texas because I LOVE that state!

And oh my God, I haven’t told you the best thing yet. My host family made it possible for me to attend a Sugarland concert on October 8th!! I’M FREAKIN’! They also like this band, and since I’m in love with them, we’re all going! SO HAPPYY!!!

Seriously, this is going to be my best year EVER. Although I know I’m going to miss everyone here, especially my closest friends & family members. Having counted the days down beginning from 100 days, and having arrived at day number 50 now, I’ve only realized once again how time flies. I don’t know whether I should be happy about that or not, but whatever. I know that with everything that will happen, you have to take things as they come & live in the present. So I’m just going to enjoy my anticipation!

Talk to you soon,

Anja xoxo

P.S. Kaplan currently hosts a contest, and you can win a 4 week trip to San Francisco! SCORE! So what are you waiting for? There you go: CLICK HERE

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